The Holy Scriptures
We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the verbally and plenary inspired Word of God. The Scriptures are inerrant, infallible and God-breathed and, therefore, are the final authority for faith and life. The sixty-six books of the Old and New Testament are the complete and divine revelation of God to Man.
The Godhead
We believe in one triune God, eternally existing in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—each co-eternal in being, co-identical in nature, coequal in power and glory, and having the same attributes and perfections.
The Person and Work of Christ
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man, without ceasing to be God, having been conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, in order that He might reveal God and redeem sinful men. The Lord Jesus Christ accomplished our redemption through His death on the cross as a representative, vicarious, substitutionary sacrifice; and, that our justification is made sure by His literal, physical resurrection from the dead. As our High Priest, He fulfills the ministry of Representative, Intercessor, and Advocate. God the Father has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Jesus Christ, and although we do receive all good things from God, this is not to be confused with the teaching of the prosperity gospel, which we reject.
The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment; and, that He is the Supernatural Agent in regeneration, baptizing all believers into the body of Christ, indwelling and sealing them unto the day of redemption. He is the divine Teacher who indwells all who have been born-again and assists believers to understand and appropriate the Scriptures. We believe that God is sovereign in the bestowal of spiritual gifts to every believer in order that they can do the work of the ministry. We reject the charismatic teaching concerning the Holy Spirit which includes, but is not limited to: extra-biblical revelation; continued use of the sign gifts; and sensationalism.
The Total Depravity of Man
We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God; but that in Adam’s sin the human race fell, inherited a sinful nature, and became alienated from God. Man is totally depraved and, of himself, utterly unable to remedy his lost condition.
We believe that salvation is the gift of God brought to man by grace and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, which will result in sanctification within one’s life.
The Church
We believe that the local church, which is the body and the espoused bride of Christ, is solely made up of born-again persons. We recognize water baptism and the Lord’s Supper as the Scriptural ordinances of obedience for the church in this age.
The Gospel
We believe that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to all that believe; and that God has entrusted His church as His stewards of the Gospel. As stewards, the church is to faithfully proclaim the Gospel to the world.
This declaration of our statement of faith is not intended to exhaustively define our beliefs, but rather to provide a brief summary of our core beliefs.
We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the verbally and plenary inspired Word of God. The Scriptures are inerrant, infallible and God-breathed and, therefore, are the final authority for faith and life. The sixty-six books of the Old and New Testament are the complete and divine revelation of God to Man.
The Godhead
We believe in one triune God, eternally existing in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—each co-eternal in being, co-identical in nature, coequal in power and glory, and having the same attributes and perfections.
The Person and Work of Christ
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man, without ceasing to be God, having been conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, in order that He might reveal God and redeem sinful men. The Lord Jesus Christ accomplished our redemption through His death on the cross as a representative, vicarious, substitutionary sacrifice; and, that our justification is made sure by His literal, physical resurrection from the dead. As our High Priest, He fulfills the ministry of Representative, Intercessor, and Advocate. God the Father has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Jesus Christ, and although we do receive all good things from God, this is not to be confused with the teaching of the prosperity gospel, which we reject.
The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment; and, that He is the Supernatural Agent in regeneration, baptizing all believers into the body of Christ, indwelling and sealing them unto the day of redemption. He is the divine Teacher who indwells all who have been born-again and assists believers to understand and appropriate the Scriptures. We believe that God is sovereign in the bestowal of spiritual gifts to every believer in order that they can do the work of the ministry. We reject the charismatic teaching concerning the Holy Spirit which includes, but is not limited to: extra-biblical revelation; continued use of the sign gifts; and sensationalism.
The Total Depravity of Man
We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God; but that in Adam’s sin the human race fell, inherited a sinful nature, and became alienated from God. Man is totally depraved and, of himself, utterly unable to remedy his lost condition.
We believe that salvation is the gift of God brought to man by grace and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, which will result in sanctification within one’s life.
The Church
We believe that the local church, which is the body and the espoused bride of Christ, is solely made up of born-again persons. We recognize water baptism and the Lord’s Supper as the Scriptural ordinances of obedience for the church in this age.
The Gospel
We believe that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to all that believe; and that God has entrusted His church as His stewards of the Gospel. As stewards, the church is to faithfully proclaim the Gospel to the world.
This declaration of our statement of faith is not intended to exhaustively define our beliefs, but rather to provide a brief summary of our core beliefs.