Good News PartnershipThe Good News Partnership was born out of a desire to partner with Christ-centered churches in an effort to evangelize and minister to our community.
Our desire is to demonstrate the unity Christ provides within local churches that are gospel-focused. We do this by joining together to assist those in need within our community. Through purchasing, packaging and distributing individually portioned meals, we are able to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (We are currently working with the group “Hunger Fight” to accomplish this mission.) We plan to expand this ministry by offering drive up food distribution. This will provide us the opportunity to personally engage those in need with the Good News of Jesus Christ. |
DiscipleshipSince October of 2017, Pastor Truman has taught a class on Tuesday nights from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. During this time, the class has studied Systematic Theology and Hermeneutics. The intent of the class is to assist anyone who desires to learn the proper approach to an in-depth study of the Scriptures.
Worldwide MissionsThe Scriptures are clear in their declaration of God’s worldwide redemptive purpose which He is accomplishing through the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We consider it a privilege to participate in God’s worldwide mission through our support of various evangelists (missionaries) who are serving both nationally and internationally, and various evangelistic efforts.
Missionaries we support:
Cambodian MinistryNew Life Baptist Church